Laser Therapy
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Laser Therapy
Get AppointmentWhat is Laser Therapy?
L.A.S.E.R. stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser Therapy involves the application of low-intensity laser light to relieve pain caused due to damage soft tissue. It facilitates tissue repair and restores normal cell function. It is used by experts to heal wounds and pain. The level of light is quite low compared to other forms of Laser Therapy, such as those used to destroy tumors and coagulate tissues.
Classification based on AEL (Accessible Emission Light)
Class levels1-4
- Class1- incapable of producing damaging radiation levels
- Class2- power visible lasers (400-700nm wavelength,1nW)
- Class3- medium-power lasers need eye protection
- Class4- high power lasers (more than 500nW)
Conditions treated by Laser Therapy
With broad-ranging benefits, LASER Therapy is appropriate for a lot of treatment plans. Some of them are:
- General Chronic Pain
- Tennis Elbow
- Plantar fasciitis
- Shoulder impingement
- Frozen Shoulder
- Disc herniation
- Sciatica
- Pelvic Dysfunction
- Osteoarthritis of the knee, hip, and ankle
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Tendonitis
- Tennis Elbow
- Temporomandibular Joint
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Hip or shoulder bursitis
Application of Laser Therapy
Preparation of the patient skin
The skin to be treated is cleaned to lower the skin resistance. Gels sprays or water is applied to the skin to lower the resistance
Calculation of doses
The tissue dose is expressed by energy density measured in Joules per cm2. Produced energy is obtained by multiplying the laser output power in milliwatts by exposition time in seconds. For e.g. irradiation area is 0.5cm2, and 2 J is divided by 0.5cm2. The time of exposure and the dose becomes 4J/CM2.
The dose is most affected by the size of the laser probe, a slim probe will result in high doses of joules per cm2, but this does not mean that the energy applied to the tissue is high, although the intensity of the light the energy emitted at the end of the slim probe is high, but not the dose in the depth
Depth of penetration
He-Ne laser energy
Absorbed rapidly in the superficial structures, especially within the first 2-5mm of tissue. The He-Ne has an indirect effect on the tissues up to 8-10mm.
GaAs laser energy
Ga-As laser which has a longer wavelength is directly absorbed in tissues at depths of 1-2cm and has an indirect effect up to 5cm.
Contact technique
Gas is only given for trigger points and around wounds
Non-contact technique
For He-Ne and Ga-As for healing of wounds and for stimulation of wound beds.
The patient benefits and results of laser therapy have been significant. The greatest benefit to the patient is that they experience immediate relief. Patients that undergo laser therapy are likely to heal 50%-60% faster and with recovery in their range of motion, strength, and overall better functional movement. Although you’ll feel the laser device touching your skin, the procedure is painless and non-invasive. You will feel no vibration or heat. Each treatment takes only a few minutes.
Faster Wound Healing
Photons of light from lasers penetrate deeply into tissue and accelerate cellular reproduction and growth. As a result of exposure to laser light, the cells of tendons, ligaments, nerves, and muscles are repaired faster. Laser therapy is effective on open wounds.
Aches & Pains
The laser decreases nerve sensitivity by decreasing a pain-eliciting chemical called bradykinin. It normalizes ion channels and releases endorphins [the body’s natural pain reliever] and enkephalins [similar to endorphins] that produce an analgesic effect. It also has a pain-blocking effect on certain nerve fibers.
The laser increases ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), which is stored energy. This increased energy accelerates the repair processes of the cell. The laser also causes the widening of the arteries and veins around the injury which helps to remove damaged cellular debris and increase nutrients and oxygen. White blood cell activity is enhanced leading to a more rapid repair process. Also, some molecules that increase inflammation are reduced, and beneficial antioxidants like superoxide dismutase are increased.
Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation
Laser therapy reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from repetitive motion injuries, cuts, scratches, burns, or surgery. Laser light also improves vascular activity. It increases the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissue, which speeds up the healing process, and closes wounds quickly.
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